King Crasher Strain Review

King Crasher is an Indica strain from Delta cultivators in West Memphis Arkansas.

micro photo of King Crasher marijuana on purple background. Text: Indica best for physical pain, depression, insomnia, and aphrodisiac

King Crasher is the first strain I have tried from Delta’s cultivation. It is one of the newest grow operations running in the state of Arkansas. Bringing the total to 4 producing medical marijuana grow operations for the entire state.

King Crasher is an indica strain that best at treating anxiety, muscle pain, nausea, insomnia and an aphrodisiac. King Crasher lineage comes from 4 Kings and Wedding Crasher, I had to ask the bud-tender at Delta for the lineage. When looking online, I found

King Crasher is one of the prettiest flowers I have seen available in Arkansas. King Crasher does not disappoint with pine and citrus scents. This strain is flavorful, an almost lemon dessert in the woods, after taste.

I found myself relaxed with this strain but it did not help with sleep or intense physical pain. King Crasher was great to handle simple pains like a headache or muscle aches but full on pain, King Crasher took the edge off but did not alleviate deep pains for myself.

. As of this writing, I could only find King Crasher in bud form. However, I am hoping since Delta is growing and selling this strain we will see a more diverse line of products entering the Arkansas market.

Author: R-Ratednerd

The author is an Arkansas State University Alumni. As well as a medical marijuana advocate since 2012 and patient since 2017.

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