Strawberry Cough Arkansas Medical Marijuana Strain Review

Strawberry Cough is a Sativa hybrid from Natural State Medicinals

Strawberry Cough Arkansas Marijuana Strain

Strawberry Cough is a Sativa strain with 19.6% THC and .045% CBD Strawberry Cough best treats depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and nausea.

Strawberry Cough is a popular strain no matter what state you are a patient. In 2013 Strawberry Cough won Best Flower at the Cannabis Cup, you can read more about it here. Arkansas, rarely has strains that are found in other legal states. Thus, I was excited to try Strawberry Cough, despite generally avoiding sativa strains.

Strawberry Cough’s buds have small orange hairs, in most other states they are described as red. The hairs were orange on my bud. The flower has scents of earth, sour, and hints of sweet. While I purchased a sealed prepacked from Natural State Medicinal the buds were fluffy but dry. While the buds have a pleasant appearance they are not as dense as they appear. Yet, Strawberry Cough does not disappoint when it comes to kief yield.

Strawberry Cough did not give much physical pain relief. However, it is a miracle when it comes to mental health issues. I found myself euphoric, happy, and productive. I was able to overcome issues with executive dysfunction and anxiety . Focusing and working thru life stressors, that normally send me into a meltdown, were simple with Strawberry Cough. I was energized and focused using this strain. I did not have an issue with heart palpitations, which I’ve generally experienced with Sativa and Sativa dominate strains.

While I had slight dry mouth, Strawberry Cough is a good strain to get one in the mental mood for sex, just not physical. So ladies, if you are smoking Strawberry Cough keep the lubricant handy!

Author: R-Ratednerd

The author is an Arkansas State University Alumni. As well as a medical marijuana advocate since 2012 and patient since 2017.

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